Broad Sociology Post 1

In class we discussed how sociology is apart of most everything we do. Sociology is in our day to
day lives everywhere. When we interact with people, when we go to work or school, and when we
make any decisions that affect other people or things, that is sociology. Ways I notice sociology in my
life is when I’m at my work and I have to interact with customers and the way I act can affect their
whole day which then affects how they act to other people. If I’m nice and happy to people then they
are more likely to pass that along to other people which would be me affecting society in a positive
way. If I were to unhappy and not give the customers attention then they’re less likely to come back
because they had a bad experience and that not only affects their day but it affects our company and
sales which is on a much larger scale of sociology. School is another way I interact with sociology is
during school. In school I talk to classmates, teachers, and other people that I see as I walk around the
campus. I can go to the student central, cafeteria, library, or the school store and talk with the people
there, use their services, or just be a body occupying a space there and all are things, I believe, that
contribute to sociology. We have talked about the Butterfly Effect in class a few times in class now
and that is something that I strongly believe in. The fact that everything we do is affecting everything
else in small and huge ways. I can do something as simple as asking someone how their day was and
it can string out and indirectly affect a whole community of people. I assume not everyone agrees
with this way of thinking but it is something I chose to live by.
In the above link, Trace Domingues does a very good job of breaking down the butterfly effect. I
learned that the butterfly effect actually has a scientific name which is “Sensitive Dependence on Initial
Conditions”. He asks the question, is anything actually random? That is, for me, a real brain teaser
because we think that things such as rolling a dice is completely random or is it just dependant on how
we roll it and how tight we held the dice?

A: You
One thing that I can do to benefit myself and society is just, be as positive as I can be.
Something I could do to negatively affect society would be shutting myself out from it. I wouldn’t be
part of the problem but I won’t be helping it.
B: Society
One thing society could do to affect me in a positive way would be having less traffic on the
roads. This would make me a much happier person.
Besides traffic, one thing society does to affect me in a negative way is giving me a very busy schedule.


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